Secondly, I got tagged by Yi Lin, a secondary school class mate. Haiz, I kind of missing the old old days~
This is this tag sound:8 things I am passionate about:
1) being a leader
2) hand craft
3) money (well, don’t tell be you are not, because you can’t survive without them)
4) writing (for Chinese, because my English Sxxks)
5) eating (where is the size come from?)
6) doing scrap book
7) bags (but seldom use it)
8) HAPPY ENDING series
8 things I say too often:
1) crap/crapping
2) yea right~
3) don’t know
4) anything
5) Where for lunch?
6) Are you going…?
7) Tired
8) Seriously
8 books I’ve read recently:
1) 剪刀替针做媒人- 亦舒
2) 尚未打烊 – 亦舒
3-8) seriously I lack of time for reading. If including class time…
3) Accounting text book
4) Economics text book5) Financial and Managerial Accounting (for assignment purpose >.<)
6) Accounting (for assignment purpose >.<)
7) Business Mathematics reference book (for exam purpose >.<)
8) English North Star Text Book (for class purpose >.<)
8 songs I could listen to over and over again:
1) 病毒爆发-danny
2) button-pcd
3) the best damn thing-avril
4) 我要的幸福-伊能静/伊静能(forget the name)
5) way back into love
6) 黑白画映 – 张学友
7) bukan cinta biasa-siti
8) big girls don’t cry - fergie
8 things I learned last year:
1)true friends are seriously extremely hard to find
2) not everyone is trustable
3) haven’t really be who I am for the past few years after primary schools day
4) Go for the hard one before the easy one
5) Reality is cruel
6) Life is a NO REST journey
7) Money is so damn important (sounds materialistic but undeniable)
8) still parents are the best
8 people to tag:
-Sook Theng
-Cheng Chun
-Wan Teng
-Hui Xian
-Choon Yen-Li Ying
Tuesday, May 27, 2008
Yea, got tagged-by Yi Lin part 2
Yea, got tagged-by Jolene part 1
First of all I have to admit that I am very dumb. Yea, I got tagged. So what? Why I say so? Because I really don’t know how the tag thing works~
After that I got a second tag, from my friend explanation, and then only I know how it should be functioning. Furthermore I done the “Am I Dumb” thing, that actually proves that I am not that dumb, I suppose.
Ok, for the fun of answering different tag question, yet at the end tag the same person, I would now like to answer the first tag, by Jolene, my primary school mate.
Link to your tagger and post these rules.
List eight random facts about yourself.
Tag 8 people at the end of your post and list their names.
Let them know that they have been tagged by leaving them a comment on their blogs.
1. I am plum (never use ‘fat’)
2. I love mee hoon
3. Yet, I am dieting
4. Want to learn more in everything
5. Addicted to online shop blogging
(Hey, visit my site
6. Always busy with assignment and projects
7. Always want to be a famous leader… well, one day…XD
8. Day dreaming of being the youngest Nobel Prize winner in literature!!! XDXD
-Sook Theng
-Cheng Chun
-Wan Teng
-Hui Xian
-Choon Yen
-Li Ying
Sunday, May 25, 2008
Saturday, May 24, 2008
I am not that bad... i think
well, try doing it if u think you are better than me....bluek.... P
Tuesday, May 20, 2008
Having interview is seriously tiring. What to do? I need the scholarship. To get through the first interview is not that easy anyway. Yet I passed. I glad I did. This first interview happened about one to two months ago, with Taylor’s administrative personnel.
The first interview really taught me a lot. What I did after my interview is I went back home, open the career directory and other related course or career book to get a better understanding of what am I dealing with, to get familiar with the course that I am studying.
Later on, I was delight to hear that I was chosen to go for a second interview with a specific company. The human resource manager of the company that is going to interview me was Siemens. Well, I was the second options for the company, so in another words is, I am not selected. Since their first option accepted the offer delight, so there is no hope for a second option to get the place. Come on, if you have a 100% tuition fees waiver and internship with this big company, do you still want to forgo this opportunity?
Fine then, although I didn’t stand a chance to get the offer. But I am not bad you know, at least I am in the top 28 then top 14. (Only 7 companies are offering internship for business school students, maximum of 4 candidates are called for the second interviews.) Anyway, I tried my best.
Last week I got a call, stating that someone had rejected the scholarship offer, so another 2 second option’s candidate from different companies are called once more to go for this third interview. This time the company is GE (General Electric). Only 2 of us fight for a single place. The chance is 50:50.
The interviewer was quite nice. I like his style of interviewing people eased the interviewee anxious. I went in and did my best, although I am not that enthusiastic as the previous interviews. After 25 minutes, I came out from the meeting room.
After that, I need to suffer with economics, because I am having exam later on. When I was studying with my friends, the angelic Ms Dianne called up and congratulated me, because I successfully passed the interview and I managed to get this prestigious scholarship!
Haha, thank goodness… Finally, I am able to ease my financial burden and also get internship with the international company. Cool~
By the way, the name of the scholarship is World Class Scholarship.
I am so happy that I keep telling my brother
“Hey Bro, do you know that you are now living with a World Class Scholarship holder?”(Such a bad sister I am)
Tuesday, May 6, 2008
I received a meaningful mail from my dad... (haha,wonder why living under the same roof also need to email)
anyway,i just want to share with all of you... so i just post up 'lor'!
As we grow up, we learn that even the one person that wasn't supposed to ever let you down probably will.
You will have your heart broken probably more than once and it's harder every time. You'll break hearts too,
so remember how it felt when yours was broken. You'll fight with your best friend. You'll blame a new love
for things an old one did. You'll cry because time is passing too fast, and you'll eventually lose someone
you love. So take too many pictures, laugh too much, and love like you've never been hurt because every
sixty seconds you spend upset is a minute of happiness you'll never get back.
Don't be afraid that your life will end,
be afraid that it will never begin.
Friday, May 2, 2008
Teambuilding Camp
Teambuilding camp, as it means, should be a camp that actually allows fellow members to build up the relationships and further develop the team works among the members. However, I would like to say, although I am the organising committee for this teambuilding camp, I have to honestly say that I didn’t really put in all my effort, and the whole camp itself is really uninteresting at all to me.
I have to admit that there is no cooperation between the organising committee, no commitment, no team work. Yet, we are assigned to organise a teambuilding camp. Doesn’t it sound ridiculous?
Why people like me, who are quite stretch on responsibility as a crucial part in a human being can’t even take the effort of doing my part? The first thing will be an extremely unorganised planning that the organising committee president had done. There are so many days that this person (OCP) can have the other organising committee(OC) to discuss on this matter, but he didn’t take the effort of doing so. He only directs one of the OC, who is also my friend to do all the jobs. But at the end of the day, the praises are on him. So damn unfair!! Since my friend doesn’t really particular about it, I don’t think I have the right to talk behalf of her. Besides this, the other OC who didn’t even do or plan or contact anyone still claim themselves as OC. Oh gosh, what is this??
The other thing will be the last minute job. For the camp, I only get to know 3 weeks ahead before the actual camp date. 1 week to prepare the proposal, 1 week for the amendments of the proposal, 1 week to plan the place and when we have the time to acknowledge the members that we have this so call teambuilding camp going on. Everything was done in a rush even the destination that we planned to have on also changes quite frequently. Before that the OCP planned to postpone the camp until the early May, and then suddenly the date was set at the early April. After discussing with the board of directors, the OCP changes the date till 25 April. Not only for the date, has even the venue also changed every time. At first was at Kuala Kubu, then Port Dickson, then FRIM then the day before the camp they change to Nur Bukit something.
By the way, for everyone information, I hate last minute jobs. It made me feel like doesn’t want to do it, since the result produce will be a total failure or imperfect or very sulky. But somehow, as the OC, I somehow deal the camp day with the best I could.
No comment on how the day goes on, but hopefully those members that had went to the teambuilding and give us feedback that the teambuilding was extremely fun are words from the bottom of their heart.